Saturday, September 29, 2007

September 29, 2007

Unlike my wife Angie, I will forget the little fun things my children say if I don't write them down. I hate to think of how much I have forgotten already.

Today my son said something like, "I can't believe we live in North America" and went on to say that everyone in North America speaks American and that he didn't know that President Bush could take over all the states.

But the funniest thing today was when he asked me if I had ever known any gray people. Puzzled, I found out that he meant the people in black and white TV's, the way people used to be in the future. Now mind you, my son is eight and is very good at math and very much like me in some ways :-)

Another one I want to preserve for posterity comes from a conversation we had while he was taking a batha couple weeks ago. I won't go into the details, but the comment of choice was when he exclaimed, "You mean I'm going to have two?"

Children, that is...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

It's just after midnight, so I'm 41. Not much to say but 1) it's a prime number and 2) I almost feel middle aged. I don't quite feel middle aged or in my 40's. I don't think I act like someone in their 40's. I used to make a journal entry at least on my birthday, maybe even write a poem. Since I can't sleep, here goes.

The hand moved ere so slow,
I watched; no sound came forth
To mark the swing
Of some imagined pendulum
Between the minutes of each

The mix of word and thought
And act, by each assigned
A place and sense
In some imagined frame and thread
Is scarcely more than breath,

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Kudos to Tom

Different parents are no doubt proud of different things. Today I'm proud of my son Tom for something I'll admit I never thought of. He was making hopscotch blocks with some new sidewalk chalk we discovered. He was numbering the blocks.

My surprise was to find that he had put a 0 and a -1 at the beginning. Then he wanted me to take the blocks in the opposite direction to -20. I didn't think he would know anything about negative numbers in the second grade!

Kudos to my son!